Seniors have many health care options when they turn 65.  The most important one is choosing the Medicare plan that is right for you. takes great pride in helping our senior community, and helping decipher the maze that can be Medicare.  You can click on Medicare Supplements in the drop down box on the home page to review numerous Phoenix Arizona health insurance plans from multiple companies, and if you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to give us a call at the number listed at the top of this screen.  Medicare is a federally funded insurance program for seniors 65 or over. Medicare has two parts, Part A (Hospital Insurance) and Part B (Medical Insurance). Since Medicare does not cover 100% of all costs, we recommend you get a Medicare supplement plan to fill the gaps, which can be purchased by clicking on Medicare Supplements in the drop down box on the home page or by calling us at the number listed above.

Medicare Supplement Insurance

To purchase Medicare Supplement Insurance you must be enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B. Medicare Supplement Insurance (also known as Medigap) fills in the gaps that you would have to pay for only having traditional Medicare, which can be quite costly. There are twelve standardized plans known as A-L plans that offer various benefits to help offset your healthcare cost, all of which can be reviewed from different insurance companies by selecting Medicare Supplements from the home page drop down menu.

Medicare Advantage

Medicare Advantage is sometimes called Part C, and is another option to traditional Medicare Part A and Part B.  Medicare Advantage Plans are approved by Medicare, but run by private insurance companies that include different plans like Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) or Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs).  The types of plans available depend on your geographic location so give us a call at the number listed above to go over which plans are available to you.

Medicare Part D (Prescription Drug Coverage)

Medicare Part D is a voluntary prescription drug program for Medicare beneficiaries.  Here at we offer many Prescription Drug plans, all of which are approved by Medicare. Different plans cover different Brand Name and Generic drugs, so you should ensure the plan you are considering covers any brand name drugs you are currently taking and wish to continue.

Long-Term Care Insurance (LTC)

Seniors who have to stay in a nursing home or Long-Term Care facility can rack up large bills quick.  It can average $3,200 to stay in a Long-Term Care facility.  This is why we recommend having Long-Term Care Insurance, which is designed to pay or reimburse covered long-term care costs if you need assistance or supervision because you are not able to do some of the basic “activities of daily living” (ADLs) such as bathing, dressing, or moving from a bed to a chair. It might also cover individuals who have mental disabilities caused by Alzheimer’s disease, or other mental illness or brain disorders. Long-term care costs may include services rendered in your home, a nursing home, assisted living facility or adult day care.